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Invest Protect Insure provides financial advice and planning, in plain English, to people
who want to ensure they make the right financial decisions at the right times and at the
right cost. It's simple!

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Fund Supermarkets

A fund supermarket is precisely what it sounds like: a single shop where you can cherry pick a number of different funds.

The fund supermarket administers your investment and provides you with a single statement, but you are still invested in the individual funds. It is also usual for fund supermarkets to offer discounts, so they can be cheaper as well as more practical than going to each investment fund manager separately. They are particularly attractive for confident investors, who may have time to do their homework and know what they are looking at. The downside, is you get no advice. Although many provide guides, investment analysis and the latest market news, fund supermarkets effectively offer a no-frills service. If you’re considering using a fund supermarket, compliment the low cost benefits with financial advice before you buy. We can help you select the best products for your investment needs. Fund of funds Manager of Manager   The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and past performance is not a guide to future performance.